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Dangers of Running Windows 10 1903

Tracy Kraft

< 1 min read

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Windows 10 1903 End of Life

The deadline is here. As of Tuesday, December 8th, 2020 Windows 10 1903 will be End of Life (EOL) and will no longer receive patches and updates from Microsoft.

If you need assistance with your upgrade to avoid the security risk of running an unsupported version, contact our team now.

What is dangerous about staying on 1903?

By not upgrading, you are giving hackers a roadmap to your systems. 

As companies like Microsoft release patches for vulnerabilities in current systems, they are basically announcing to hackers that these holes exist in earlier, no-longer-supported versions, and are available for exploiting. Without these patches, your firm will become exposed to nefarious actors. We’ve called attention to this issue before.

For security purposes alone, remaining on Windows 10 1903 is simply is not an option.

What to do about Windows 10 1903 End of Life?

If your system is behind, you’re not alone. We are here to help firms with a one-time catch-up, or an ongoing automated method for Windows updates.  Our CIO Marcus Bluestein has a favorite piece of advice: “Get current, stay current.”

Begin your upgrade to Windows 10 2004 right away with our Managed Desktop program.

Something else to consider

It is well documented that Microsoft recommends all customers move to the 64-bit version of Office whenever possible. As you plan for your Windows Upgrade, it’s an ideal time to make the shift to 64-bit Office.  “The best time to mess with your desktop, is when you’re already planning your Windows update” my favorite CTO recently remarked.

Wondering if your systems are ready? Self-assess with our readiness quiz.

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