• Insights

Windows 11 and Law Firms Future Outlook

Clint Gates

2 min read

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As Windows 11 quickly approaches, the Managed Desktop Team at Kraft Kennedy has been researching and planning what this will mean for clients. Microsoft has stated that they are trying to do everything in their power to not have Windows 11 be another skipped OS generation as for the most part were Windows Vista and Windows 8. Based on ease of upgrade, and Microsoft engineering Windows 11 to be ‘just another Feature Update’, we believe it will be the logical next step for all clients. As with any Feature Update, Windows 11 is going to come with enhanced features, on both the security as well as the user side of the OS, incentivizing enterprises to upgrade. Between the ease of upgrade, and the reasons to upgrade (features), Kraft Kennedy believes that Windows 11 will not be a skipped generation operating system.

“The free upgrade to Windows 11 starts on October 5 and will be phased and measured with a focus on quality,” Microsoft’s Aaron Woodman writes. “We want to make sure we’re providing you with the best possible experience. That means new eligible devices will be offered the upgrade first. The upgrade will then roll out over time to in-market devices based on intelligence models that consider hardware eligibility, reliability metrics, [the] age of [the] device, and other factors that impact the upgrade experience. We expect all eligible devices to be offered the free upgrade to Windows 11 by mid-2022.”

As of now, seeing everything published by Microsoft to date, it is Kraft Kennedy’s belief that not only will the jump to Windows 11 be included in any current, or new, Managed Desktop Agreement but the technical process will be the same as it is for current Windows 10 Feature Updates. Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM), or Intune, will be used as they are today to go from Windows 10 to a recommended build of Windows 11. Each clients’ timeline may vary but we believe that most clients will start moving from Windows 10 to Windows 11 sometime in late 2022 or early 2023.

As always, Kraft Kennedy will be happy to answer any questions pertaining to Windows 11 and our approach to the Managed Desktop. Please reach out to continue the conversation.

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