498 Search Results found
Exchange 2010 Notes from the Field – SMTP Virtual Server Changes
I’ve worked with a few clients that, for various reasons, have modified the FQDN of the SMTP Virtual Server. By default, an SMTP Virtual Server will respond to an EHLO…
An Interesting Hyper-V Server 2008 Conundrum
A client in the Support Practice Group recently ran into an interesting problem wherein a virtual machine outgrew its LUN (or logical disk) and lost the ability to boot. While…
iManage and Email Duplicate Detection
Autonomy (HP) recently released WorkSite Server 8.5 SP1 Update 6, with a new enhanced server-side email duplication detection technology. Previously, the FileSite client would evaluate duplicates based on the MSG_ID…
Citrix Receiver for iPad – Subject Alternative Names Not Supported
I recently encountered an issue on an iPad where the Citrix Receiver was able to connect to a XenApp farm and enumerate applications but was not able to launch them….
Internet Explorer Security Zone Settings for Pass-Thru Authentication to SharePoint
We often come across instances where firms are using NTLM Authentication (Windows integrated authentication) for SharePoint, and expect that Internet Explorer will automatically pass through the authentication from machines within…
Going From an iPhone to a Nokia Lumia 900 / Windows Phone 7.5
I have been through a lot of mobile devices. When I started with Kraft Kennedy nearly 14 years ago, I was given a SurePager and it was a fantastic device….
2010 MacBook Air Ready For Business?
Recently, I decided to purchase the new MacBook Air. Until this year, I was a long time PC user, so Apple products are still relatively new to me. I wanted something that…
Making Sense of IT Costs
As technology consultants to law firms, we often participate in conversations between IT management and firm management. Not surprisingly, IT costs are often on the agenda. Over many years, we…
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