August is approaching and everyone knows that means one thing. It’s time to gather in a sweltering city, seeking refuge from the oppressive heat in an air-conditioned conference center and, while we’re there, learn what is going on in the world of legal IT at ILTACON 2019.
Personally, I like to look at the session grid not only to pick out the interesting sessions, but also to use as a proxy for the trends in legal IT. This marks the fourth year in the inquiry that I call “How Cloudy is the Legal Vertical?” I am excited to say that things are getting cloudier. For the first time, the ILTACON session grid has a session (two, in fact!) with the words “Infrastructure as a Service” in the title. I am also excited to be delivering one of those sessions.
In addition to spending some time at the Kraft Kennedy booth (#619) and catching up with the people I usually only get to speak to on conference calls, I am looking forward to hearing what the rest of the community is talking about. Below are some of the sessions that I am hoping to attend.
11:30 – AI Foundations: Artificial Intelligence Basics in Legal
Absent a true infrastructure session, I am always happy to listen to what’s new with AI.3:30 – Building a Secure and Compliant Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service Environment
If you’re going to do it, do it right. Right?
1:30 – The Aftermath of Going to the Cloud
Having done a number of cloud migrations, I am wondering what others see after the dust has cleared.3:30 – Living in Our Office 365 House: Support, Adoption, Change Management
Important to understand that just because you moved it, doesn’t mean you can forget it.
11:30 – Teams: The Collaboration House that Microsoft Built
Microsoft is putting a lot of eggs in the Teams basket.1:30 – 60 Tools in 60 Minutes: Favorite PowerShell Scripts and Low Cost Operations Utilities
I never miss a PowerShell session.3:30 – Moving On-Prem Servers to Cloud Infrastructure as a Service: How It’s Done
Insert shameless plug here… come see my session.
10:00am-11:15am – Cloud Adoption: Let’s Swap Notes (Kraft Kennedy Q&A)
Okay, fine, it’s another plug. But seriously, you don’t want to miss this one. Charles and I will be giving real insider tips we’ve picked up through hard experience. We’ll share what we’ve learned about the future of SharePoint, the secret to negotiating with Microsoft, preparing for security audits when you’re cloud-first, and more.11:30 – Cloud Platforms on Your Premise: The New Hybrid Cloud
The inverted cloud?
Seeing so many great topics at ILTACON 2019 makes it hard to narrow it down to a manageable list, but I’ve tried.
I’ll see you at the conference! Make sure stop by our Genius Bar on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for snacks and answers to your pressing challenges.
Want to chat one-on-one about infrastructure? I do. Fill out this brief form to schedule a roadmapping session.