Welcome to the latest installment of Downtime, our new interview series spotlighting the people of Kraft Kennedy.
Ticho Medrano is a Network Engineer in Kraft Kennedy‘s Support Practice Group. With a natural talent for all things technology, Ticho has mastered the implementation and maintenance of Mimecast, Windows Server, and Office 365. He is an avid solver of Rubik’s Cubes (with a 13.22-second personal record) and is known for his reassuring presence. Colleagues and clients alike appreciate Ticho’s ability to stay cool in high-pressure situations.
What is the story behind how you got into your line of work?
I started as a grocery bagger at Whole Foods. I then moved over to the specialty cheese department, where I was promoted to Cheesemonger Specialist. Then I transitioned to Grocery and became the Grocery Special Order Buyer and Bulk Buyer Backup. In that time, the position of backup IT person became available. I was able to get that position, along with Backup Receiver on the loading dock. Then the position of full-time in-store Systems Integrator opened up. I applied and got it. Since then, I have been in the IT realm.
Where would you most like to live?
I have many dreams of living in England or Scotland. I do very much like living in the Northeast.
Who is your hero from fiction?
Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption.
Who are your heroes in real life?
The people who work the “thankless” jobs everyday that make the world go round.
What advice can you share for people getting into your field?
Don’t stop learning. Stay engaged.
What is your signature dish or recipe?
I make really good waffles, pancakes, and crêpes.
Describe your perfect Sunday.
BBQ and Tex-Mex with family while watching football.
What’s something your coworkers don’t know about you?
I am a guitarist at heart. Also, I used to breakdance and had a giant afro. My b-boy name was FroMaster.
What is your greatest fear?
Being buried alive.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To be honest, my fear of failure.