Several weeks ago I posted about my shiny, new Chromebook and the notable lack of a Citrix receiver for the Chrome OS, despite it being unveiled at Citrix Synergy back in May. It appears my weeks of patient waiting have finally paid off: earlier today, Citrix released a “tech preview” of its receiver for the Chrome OS via the Chrome Web Store.
As expected, the new receiver requires some updates to your existing XenApp or XenDesktop environment to work (you’ll need a MyCitrix login to download them). Additionally, the receiver currently only supports XenDesktop 5.0 and XenApp 6.0 environments running on Windows Server 2008 R2. Whether that list will be expanded as the receiver matures – given that this is still listed as a tech preview – remains to be seen.
The release of this new receiver, though currently limited to a very small market, could be the start of a much broader shift in how remote users access Citrix environments, and we’re quite excited to finally get our hands on it. We’ll work on getting our environment set up in the next day or two to give the new receiver – as well as that Chromebook that’s been sitting on my desk – a run for its money.