Microsoft Lync is a fantastic tool for communicating within our firm. We use it for presence, instant messaging, voice calls, video conferencing, conference calls and online meetings. We also setup our system to allow Dynamic Federation which allows us to communicate with people outside our firm who also use Lync. You can read more about the 3 kinds of Federation here.
Even though our system allows us to use Lync to communicate with people outside our Firm, it is not obvious who those people are. I recently came across an interesting new tool found here that will report back which contacts you have that are likely Lync available. When I ran it against my personal contanct list, it found 25 people that I can direcly communicate with. When I had it scan my suggested contact list (this is the dynamic list of people that I have emailed in the past), it found an additional 51 people that I can Lync with.
While I do not want to or need to Lync with all of these people, I did identify a few people that would make a lot of sense. I hope you find value in this tool as well.