I recently encountered an issue in a new XenDesktop 7 implementation where mouse performance was choppy on Wyse Xenith zero clients (C00X) accessing Windows 7 VDI sessions. The problem was that the mouse scheme was set to Windows Aero (system scheme), which worked well on full Windows or Mac clients, but caused some trouble on the Xeniths. I was able to resolve this by setting the scheme to (None) via Group Policy Preferences applied to VDI users. Specifically, I created a collection item called Set Basic Mouse Scheme that contained the following entries:
This resulted in the following scheme in each VDI session:
Note that disabling Allow themes to change mouse pointers via the ThemeChangesMousePointers key works around a potential issue where the mouse scheme is set to (None) when a user logs on but is changed to an Aero scheme when a user selects an Aero theme. A Citrix technote on this issue is available here.