Recently, Autonomy released the 8.5 SP2 Update 2 versions of iManage FileSite, DeskSite, OffSite, Email Management for FileSite, and Email Management for Outlook. The key new feature is support of Adobe Acrobat Reader X. However, due to a new feature of Reader X, a configuration change within the Reader application is needed. From the Release Notes:
NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Reader X includes a feature called Protected Mode that limits an application’s access to registry and file systems. This feature is enabled by default. Because WorkSite Integration requires full access to the local machine, you must disable this feature.
The feature can be disabled from the General Preferences in Adobe Reader X, and should be included into your MST transform package.
Regarding Update 2, there are a handful of issues resolved, but one in particular stands out to me because I’ve already witnessed it. From the Release Notes:
NT-26001: When dragging an e-mail to a WorkSite folder using Outlook 2010 with Cached Exchange Mode disabled, the user receives the following error; ‘Cannot move the items. The item cannot be moved. It was either already moved or deleted, or access was denied.’
This can easily be avoided on Windows 7 desktops simply by enabling Cached Mode (which is a good idea for a number of reasons that you should already know about, so I won’t get into them). However on XenApp servers, where Cached Mode is not available, this can be an annoying bug. The email does in fact get filed, but the error just isn’t pretty at all. If you are planning an Office 2010 roll-out with iManage, this update is a must-have.