iManage 8.5 SP2 clients come with some really great integrations into Office 2007/2010 out of the box. As you probably know, Office 2007 introduced a pretty nice native document comparison function that makes small firms think twice about WorkShare Compare. iManage provides the ability to use the native Office 2007/2010 document comparison engine for documents living in WorkSite. It also allows the user to manually insert a WorkSite Footer into the document.
These are all well and good, but most firms have some third-party applications that provide advanced features sets. There’s WorkShare Compare and pdfDocs CompareDocs to name a few that have direct integration with iManage; and most template packages include integration into iManage for automatic stylized document footers. In these instances, you may want to hide or disable the iManage integration with native Office 2007/2010.
iManage 8.5 SP2 allows you to make these customizations through the modification of XML files on the client workstation, but you need the client customization documentation to do it. No, I mean, you REALLY need the documentation in PDF form, because the XML files are attached to the iManage 8.5 SP2 Client Customization PDF. The files are: ExcelIntegrationCustomUI_20xx.xml, PowerPointIntegrationCustomUI_20xx.xml, and WordIntegratioCustomUI_20xx.xml, where 20xx is either 2007 or 2010. Save the versions of the files you need, rename each appropriately and remove the “_20xx” from the name of the file (i.e., WordIntegrationCustomUI.xml).
Now that you have your files, create a %ProgramFiles%InterwovenWorkSiteIntegrationCustomUI folder and place your files within. Edit the XML file in a text editor to remove the buttons/items as needed. For example, to delete the Compare and Merge WorkSite Documents button in Word, delete (or comment out) the text highlighted in red below from the WordIntegrationCustomUI.xml file:
<group id=”WordWorkSiteMailMergeGroup2″ getLabel=”getLabel” getVisible=”getVisible”>
<button id=”WordWorkSiteMailMerge2″ getLabel=”getLabel” onAction=”OnActionWordButton” size=”large” image=”merge2_32″ getSupertip=”getSuperTip”/>
<group id=”WordWorkSiteReviewGroup2″ getLabel=”getLabel” getVisible=”getVisible”>
<button id=”WordWorkSiteCompareMergeDocuments2″ getLabel=”getLabel” onAction=”OnActionWordButton” size=”large” image=”compare32″ getSupertip=”getSuperTip”/>
<group id=”WorkSiteHelp” getLabel=”getLabel”>
<button id=”WordWorkSiteAbout” getLabel=”getLabel” onAction=”OnActionWordButton” size=”large” image=”about32″ getSupertip=”getSuperTip”/>
Save your file, close and re-launch Word, and that button is gone. It works pretty well, and I don’t think too many customers even know that this is customizable.